The Pandemic Fund Action Hub
Track, Analyze, Engage
On June 30, 2022, the World Bank’s Boards of Directors approved the establishment of a new Financial Intermediary Fund to mobilize new investments that strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response capacities at national, regional, and global levels, with a strong focus on low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Such a decision — supported by multiple countries and experts — is a crucial step towards a future where pandemics no longer represent a global existential threat.
The Pandemic Fund was formally established on Sept. 8, 2022, after a group of founding donors agreed on the minimum necessary aspects for its operation. The World Bank hosts the Pandemic Fund’s secretariat with support from the World Health Organization. Currently, the Fund’s 21-seat board is working on the various issues and agreements needed to ensure this instrument will deliver on its transformative promise to make the world safer from pandemics. Among these are its focus and scope, structure, operations, governance, and financing, which experts estimate needs to reach a minimum of US$10 billion annually.
Pandemic Action Network has set up this dynamic resource hub to organize and facilitate access to relevant information for anyone interested in monitoring and contributing to the development of the Pandemic Fund. Moreover, this Action Hub aims to inform our partners and civil society groups about key developments and opportunities to mobilize, collaborate, and shape the Pandemic Fund’s design, structure, and operations.
Last update: June 26, 2023
Key Documents
Official public documents related to the Pandemic Fund’s governance and operation are hosted by the World Bank. Note some documents may be drafts or preliminary versions under review by the Pandemic Fund’s Board.
Pandemic Fund Pledge Tracker
Pandemic Action Network and the ONE Campaign are keeping a record of the pledges made to the Pandemic Fund. The goal is to better understand its funding sources and sustainability while promoting transparency and accountability.
???? Access the Pandemic Fund’s Pledge Tracker!
Civil Society Engagement
For the Pandemic Fund to deliver on its promise, there must be an inclusive approach to its design and governance.
????️ Check if there are upcoming engagement opportunities!
Official CSO Consultation (Aug.–Sept. 2022)
Pandemic Action Network joined partners — the Center for Indonesia’s Strategic Development Initiatives (CISDI), the Eastern Africa National Networks of AIDS Service Organisations (EANNASO), and WACI Health, to organize and coordinate the official CSO consultation process on the Pandemic Fund ahead of its establishment and catalyze needed progress toward meaningful civil society inclusion.
In total, two discussion rounds comprising a total of four discussion sessions were held on Aug. 16-17 and 30-31.
???? Consultation Outcomes
The reflections, proposals, and recommendations emerging from the consultation process were organized and summarized in two documents, each addressing different issues. These were shared with founding donors in advance of the establishment of the Pandemic Fund while they were holding discussions on its goals, scope, structure, composition, governance, and operations.
- Aug. 16 & 17, First Round Consultations
Summary of Proceedings and Key Messages | Recordings: Aug. 16 session & Aug. 17 session - Aug. 30 & 31, Second Round Consultations
Summary of Proceedings and Key Messages | Recordings: Aug. 30 session & Aug. 31 session
- Aug. 16 & 17, First Round Consultations
???? Participation
Interim CSO Representatives for the Pandemic Fund’s Board (Aug.–Sept. 2022)
Prior to the establishment of the Fund, founding contributors to the new Pandemic Fund reached an agreement that its Governing Board should include two voting seats for civil society organization (CSO) representatives.
???? Nomination process
Pandemic Action Network, the Center for Indonesia’s Strategic Development Initiatives (CISDI), the Eastern Africa National Networks of AIDS Service Organisations (EANNASO), and the Platform for ACT-A Civil Society & Community Representatives initiated a civil society-led selection process and issued a global call for nominations to select two interim CSO representatives for the PPR FIF Governing Board on Aug. 26, 2022.
This interim selection process took place on an abbreviated timeframe to ensure that the interim CSO representatives could participate in the first Governing Board meeting, scheduled for Sept. 8-9, 2022. The application deadline was Sep. 2, and the eligibility criteria and nomination form remain available for anyone interested. In total, 66 submissions were received from 27 countries during the one-week open call for nominations.
???? Selection Committee
The group of organizations and networks facilitating the civil society-led selection process agreed to set up a Selection Committee integrated by seven members that reflected regional and thematic diversity. These were:
- Ashley Arabasadi, Management Sciences for Health
- Harjyot Khosa, International Planned Parenthood Federation (South Asia Regional Office)
- Lizzie Otaye, EANNASO
- Mike Podmore, Platform for ACT-A Civil Society & Community Representatives/STOPAIDS
- Nahashon Aluoka, Pandemic Action Network
- Neil Vora, Conservation International/PPATS Coalition
- Olivia Herlinda, CISDI
⏱️ Timeline

???? Selected Representatives
The Selection Committee announced on Sep. 7 that Jackline Njeri Kiarie (Amref Health Africa — Global South) and Elisha Dunn-Georgiou (Global Health Council — Global North) were selected as interim civil society representatives to the Pandemic Fund’s Governing Board. Nitish Debnath (One Health Bangladesh) and Olya Golichenko (Frontline AIDS, United Kingdom) will act as alternates. They have all accepted their positions.
This process aimed to ensure that a diversity of civil society experience, global perspectives, and regional representation inform the Pandemic Fund’s decision-making, starting from the first meeting of its Governing Board. These representatives are serving for an interim period of approximately six to seven months until full-term CSO representatives are named through a longer-term, civil society-led selection process to take place during 2023.
Civil Society & Communities Constituency (Sept. 2022 – Onwards)
After the selection of the interim civil society representatives to the Pandemic Fund’s Governing Board, a constituency was created to inform its work and foster adequate engagement and representation of civil society groups and communities. If you are interested in joining, please reach out to [email protected].
Interim Civil Society Board Members hold regular town hall meetings to share updates on decisions and tasks ahead, and gather feedback from civil society and community colleagues.
???? Civil Society Board Members
- Global North: Elisha Dunn-Georgiou (principal) and Olya Golichenko (alternate)
- Global South: Jackline Njeri Kiarie (principal) and Nitish Debnath (alternate)
???? Town Hall Meeting Outcomes
Sept. 15, 2022: Feedback from first Pandemic Fund Board Meeting | Readout & Notes
Interim civil society Board Members Jackline Njeri Kiarie and Elisha Dunn-Georgiou, along with alternate Board Members Nitish Debnath and Olya Golichenko, provided a readout of the Sept. 8-9 Pandemic Fund Governing Board meeting, shared updates on decisions and tasks ahead, and gathered feedback from civil society and communities colleagues. Additional resources: Presentation Deck and Session Recording.
Oct. 14, 2022: Feedback from second Pandemic Fund Board Meeting | Readout & Notes
Interim Civil Society Board Members Jackline Njeri Kiarie and Elisha Dunn-Georgiou, along with alternate Board Members Nitish Debnath and Olya Golichenko provided a readout of the Oct. 7 Pandemic Fund Governing Board meeting. Town Hall attendees discussed how to formally establish an active civil society and communities constituency, as well as a Civil Society Technical Working Group to facilitate regular, proactive channels for information sharing, and increase opportunities for experts from civil society and communities to inform technical decision-making around the Pandemic Fund.
Nov. 17, 2022: Readout from G20 Pandemic Fund Launch | Readout & Notes
Ahead of the G20 Joint Finance and Health Ministers’ Meeting, Interim Civil Society Board Members Jackline Njeri Kiarie and Elisha Dunn-Georgiou, along with alternate Board Members Nitish Debnath and Olya Golichenko shared an overview of the Nov. 13 Pandemic Fund launch. Town Hall attendees discussed working group updates and potential mechanisms to engage civil society and communities in the future.
Dec. 14, 2022: Feedback on third Pandemic Fund Governing Board Meeting | Readout & Notes
Interim Civil Society Board Member Elisha Dunn-Georgiou shared a readout from the Dec. 12-13 Pandemic Fund Governing Board Meeting and conducted a discussion on a future permanent structure for civil society engagement.
Feb. 16, 2023: February Town Hall Meeting | Readout & Notes
The Pandemic Fund’s Civil Society & Communities Constituency gathered for the February 2023 Town Hall Meeting. Interim civil society Board Members provided updates on decisions taken and tasks ahead, and invited feedback, reflections, and priority-sharing.
April 26, 2023: April Town Hall Meeting | Readout & Notes
The Pandemic Fund’s Civil Society & Communities Constituency gathered for the April 2023 Town Hall Meeting. Interim civil society Board Members provided a readout from the March Pandemic Fund Board in-person Meeting, updates from the First Call for Proposals process, the permanent civil society board representative selection process, and a civil society engagement mechanism proposal. The Pandemic Fund Secretariat (Priya Basu) also joined the meeting to provide an update.
May 18, 2023: April Town Hall Meeting | Readout & Notes
The Pandemic Fund’s Civil Society & Communities Constituency gathered for the May 2023 Town Hall Meeting. Interim civil society Board Members provided an update on the Pandemic Fund activities since the last town hall, updates from the First Call for Proposals process, an announcement of the permanent civil society board representative, and updates on CSO and communities engagement mechanism.
June 20, 2023: June Town Hall Meeting | Readout & Notes
The Pandemic Fund’s Civil Society & Communities Constituency gathered for the June 2023 Town Hall Meeting. Interim civil society Board Members provided an update from the Pandemic Fund June 1 Board Meeting, the next steps on reviewing and approving the first call for proposals, and an update, feedback, and next steps on the CSO and Communities Engagement Mechanism proposal.
Analysis & Resources
- An Effective Pandemic Response Must Be Truly Global | Project Syndicate piece by Mariana Mazzucato and Jayati Ghosh | July 20, 2022
- World Bank Fact Sheet: Financial Intermediary Fund for Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response | World Bank | June 30, 2022
- Launching a New Pandemic Preparedness Fund: A Crack in the Cycle of Panic and Neglect? | Center for Strategic and International Studies Commentary by Carolyn Reynolds and J. Stephen Morrison | June 28, 2022
- Public Comments to the World Bank on the Financial Intermediary Fund for Pandemic Prevention White Paper | World Bank | May, 2022
- A New Fund for Global Health Security and Pandemic Preparedness: Why, What, and How | Pandemic Action Network | May 3, 2022
- Calling for a New Multilateral Financing Mechanism for Global Health Security and Pandemic Preparedness | Pandemic Action Network | Aug. 13, 2021